Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Perak Game

Recently, the politized events in Perak has gained National headlines. Everyone from the humble kopitam owner to the most senior of CEO’s are talking about it. After winning the March 8 elections of 2008, the Pakatan Rakyat (National Alliance) government is back to the sidelines in Perak, this time as a result of betrayal by their own MP’s. To get the wider picture of this issue we have to dig into the near past to get the answers.
2008 was an year of change in Malaysia. The discontentment of the rakyat (citizens) boiled over into the polling stations. The message of the opposition was being received widely by people at every strata of Malaysian society. The people turned to their voting power and the subsequent result of the 2008 General election was staggering and almost brought the present coalition government to its knees. The opposition had gained the mandate of the people in 5 out of 13 Malaysian states. They formed a solid empire in the northern states proving to be a formidable force for the coalition government, Barisan Nasional (National Front).

Lets fast forward to 2009.In the state of Perak, the Pakatan Rakyat government had a slight majority of maybe 3 or 4 seats .But then there was a loose restriction for the state representatives. They had the freedom to hop from one political party to another political party as they wished. The opposition Pakatan Rakyat was in favor of this concept thinking they can woo MP’s from the Barisan Nasional government and topple the coalition government. But then it proved deadly for them. Late January 2009,reports surfaced about missing and absent MP’s in political meetings and gatherings.There was a slight doubt about MP’s crossing over to other political parties.

Then the 4th of February came. Three MP’s and a recent defector from the Barisan Government became Barisan Nasional endorsing independents while the defector rejoined Barisan Nasional.This was the fatal blow for the Perak Governmet.The crisis unfolded right in front of the Malaysian multitude. There was rage and dissatisfaction in the Pakatan Raykat Government, while a song victory rimed in the Barisan Nasional side. Soon, the Barisan Nasional MP for Pangkor constituency, Datuk Dr. Zambry Abdul Kader became the new Menteri Besar (Chief Minister)
The opposition government boycotted the swearing in of Datuk Zambry Abdul Kader and vowed alliance to the former Menteri Besar.Thus, there are two governments in Perak itself. One legitimate and the other illegitimate. This situation ushered Perak into a dilemma.

So, now I would like to ask your opinion on this unfolding crisis. Looking from a neutral perspective wouldn’t it be better if an anti-defection law as in Fiji, India and South Africa is implemented? Frankly speaking this issue would not have flared up if there was an anti-defection law. If this legislation is not implemented, I expect to see a new government in power every week as MP’s defect from one party to another. The question we have to ask is are the politicians in the parliament to play a game or are they there to serve the rakyat?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Rexy

Its me Jasmine ur cousin in dubai, jst randomly came across ur blog, gud blog, keep up the gud work